Pilot rods

General information

The following tools are used for drilling technology using horizontal auger drilling rigs with the use of Optical Navigation System:

  • Pilot rods Ø88 x 1000mm with threaded nuts and hex bolt with standard or reinforced pilot head and LED target.
  • Pilot rods Ø114 x 1000mm with threaded nuts and hex bolt with standard or reinforced pilot head and LED target. The Ø114mm rods are connected with each other by means of a male-female hex connection and a threaded nut. These rods have a system for feeding the lubricating and cooling drilling fluid to the pilot head.
  • Pilot rods Ø127 x 1000mm with threaded nuts and hex bolt with standard or reinforced pilot rod and LED target.
  • Custom pilot rods according to the Customer’s design (e.g. double-pipe, double-jacket, etc.)

Need these tools?

Get in touch!

We are waiting for your call, and if you have any questions please contact us at any time.
Poland, 41-807 Zabrze, 6, Handlowa St.
We will be happy to answer any of your questions by phone.
(+48) 514-611-415
We will do our best to answer as soon as possible.

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