About our company

NODIGMARKET24 means years of experience in operation and sales of equipment for trenchless technologies.

Auger drilling rigs, navigation systems, hydraulic jacking machines, pipe bursting machines, power packs and drilling tools.

We deliver full scope of services related to used equipment. Evaluation, repair, assembly and commissioning.

We will select the right equipment for your tasks, we will train your crews and we will execute your first drilling job together with you.

Comprehensive offer

Our mission:

– give you the best offer on the market for both new and used equipment

– train a crew of professionals in this area

We have the best and most comprehensive offer for equipment for trenchless technologies.
We offer both new and used equipment.
The machines presented in our offer are checked for reliability and performance.

Recently sold

WPS-80W (Strenghtened) Auger Drilling Rig
WPS-60 + AH-120
MNB-50 Directional pipe jacking machine
Navigation systems for HDD: SNS-2t
WPS-140 Auger Drilling Rig
Directional pipe jacking (20 t)

Comprehensive products and services of NODIGMARKET24

Technical service

Our service team is available 24 hours a day in any place on Earth. We train crews, oversee and instruct during commissioning, evaluate the state and price of machinery, perform service and repairs such as overhauls and modernization of equipment.


We perform construction of all types of pipeline networks using trenchless technologies. Broad range of equipment and professional team with many years of experience - those are our advantages that let us accomplish even the most challenging tasks in the toughest geological conditions possible.


We aim to satisfy the needs of our Customers and and to fulfill their expectations, that is why we not only sell, but also rent equipment.


We provide support in the form of training covering all scope of technologies and equipment used and promoted by our company. The training are carried out in any country.

Learn more

Check our detailed offer

Key information from NODIGMARKET24

Recent events in our company are described in the following article

We invite you to visit our stand at BUDMA / INTERMASZ fair in 4-7 February 2020 in Poznan. Stand no. 23 in hall 7A

Newest information about our company and our offer

Welcome to our website

Get in touch!

We are waiting for your call, and if you have any questions please contact us at any time. It may seem otherwise, but direct contact is the shortest way to starting a good cooperation.
Poland, 41-807 Zabrze, 6, Handlowa St.
This is the best option for the busiest customers. You will receive a quick and pragmatic answer to your questions.
(+48) 514-611-415
We will do our best to answer as soon as possible.

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