HAZEMAG BM-086S Microtunneling machine

HAZEMAG BM-086S Microtunneling machine

We offer a used TBM microtunelling machine manufactured by HAZEMAG GmbH.
GmbH. Model BM 86S. Year of manufacturing 1998. This equipment is only slightly used.
This machine is in excellent condition.
Model based on a vacuum system with simultaneous feeding of drilling fluid.
The set was imported from Germany to Poland in 2008. In case of
interest please contact us.

TBM machine with a steerable roller head. Basic diameter Ø860 with additional shields Ø960, 2 pcs and Ø1170mm

Additional overlays Ø960 and  Ø1170 mm

Pushing station

Intermediate station

Drilling fluid station with mud mixer

Laser Navigation System

Container I equipped with Power Pack with SCANIA internal combustion engine, 6 cyl. with a vacuum pump

Container II equipped with a Hydraulic Unit as well as
power generator with a SCANIA 6 cyl. combustion engine In the container
there is also a steering room

Separation container 2 pcs

Pipes Ø160mm for carrying away the soil, ca. 150m in 2-meter sections
(5 baskets)

Flexible Ø180 hoses, ca. 35 m

50kN Gantry

Other second-hand equipment

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