
Directional drilling

There are many technologies and methods of installing a pipeline. Choosing the right method must take into account the engineering design, diameter of the installed pipe, soil conditions, type of casing pipes used, possibilities in terms of arrangement of starting pit and so on.

Pushing and rotating pilot rods (guidance with tele-optical guidance system)

Drilling with augers and pushing steel casing pipes (in light and moderate soils)

Drilling with an expandable drilling head and pushing steel casing pipes (in hard soils)

Drilling with hollow augers put on drilling rods (drilling without receiving pit)

Pushing in drilling pipes and pushing out casing pipes

Pulling out casing pipes and pulling in PE pipes

Drilling with mechanized hydraulically-driven reamer

  • pushing steel casing pipe
  • pushing drilling pipes having a diameter of øD


Need this machine?

Get in touch!

We are waiting for your call, and if you have any questions please contact us at any time.
Poland, 41-807 Zabrze, 6, Handlowa St.
We will be happy to answer any of your questions by phone.
(+48) 514-611-415
We will do our best to answer as soon as possible.

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